Hinata hyuga, a professional ninja, residing in the city of konoha, mother of two wonderful children Boruto and the girl there with purple hair, live a happy life until she finds out that Naruto has been having sex during her working hours, this results in an unwanted thought from Hinata in taking a naked picture and sending it to other ninjas in the audeia discounting the betrayal.
segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2021
terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2021
Hinata hyuga and her long history in the naruto world
Hinata the beautiful mother of boruto strives day after day to bring a good education to her child, the result of this effort often doesn't seem to be returned, he acts differently whenever he sees her, he doesn't care in the sense of half the truth, like boruto has become such a naughty young man it's hard to know, but in the end we know that every mother loves her child dearly.
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